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Who we are

Who we are

We are Licensed North American Auto Recyclers. We have been trained to dispose of the environmentally hazardous materials in vehicles that have reached the end of their useful lives. We provide an easy to understand, one stop experience, catering to all of your salvage needs in an eco-friendly way.

What do We do?

We are proud to practice environmentally sound processes when dismantling and recycling our vehicles. This is achieved by properly draining all hazardous fluids from the vehicle and not have them drain into the ground. We remove Mercury switches and other dangerous substances from the vehicles and dispose of them in a safe way in accordance with local laws.

Call to dispose of your Vehicle the Right Way!

Following treatment “high demand" vehicles are dismantled, and “highly requested" useable parts are sold/recycled. Alternatively some of our Recyclers have complete vehicles placed in their U-PULL-IT Yards for the public to remove their own parts.
The de-polluted vehicle shells are then sent to the steel mills to have the metal recycled.

We have teamed up with GreenVehicleDisposal to utilize its technology. To develop a national solution to the environmental problems created by the mismanagement of vehicles that have reached the end of their useful lives. This will combine the implementation of various technologies that will facilitate the continual yet appropriate dissemination of vehicles by each of our affiliates covering varying geographic regions spanning North America in its entirety.
